August 17, 2023 ~ 👩🏻⚕️ Today, Dr. Gupta spent the day with Dr. Restivo and our healthcare colleagues volunteering at the Lahaina Maui Health hospital tent. ❤️🩹🙏
August 17, 2023
👩🏻⚕️ Today, Dr. Gupta spent the day with Dr. Restivo and our healthcare colleagues volunteering at the Lahaina Maui Health hospital tent. ❤️🩹🙏 Working directly with families affected by the fires has been an important step in our healing process. It is a gift to be here to serve our community. It is emotionally challenging to feel the heaviness of the tragedy on Maui. Coming together with an incredible team of colleagues and Maui community brings us joy in this time of sadness. Mahalo to Dr. Restivo @dr_maui for caring for our community and advocating 24/7 for our furry family members. We are here for you, Maui, and we will work through our pain together, as one ohana. 🙏❤️🩹
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I’m hearing they won’t let the Humane Society or even FEMA go in to rescue the animals. I’m hoping this changes very soon or it’ll be too late. 😢