Did you know that every year, Maui Ocean Center Marine Institute rescues over 200 turtles on Maui that are injured or sick due to plastic fishing gear? 😢 🐢
May 3, 2023
Did you know that every year, Maui Ocean Center Marine Institute rescues over 200 turtles on Maui that are injured or sick due to plastic fishing gear? 😢 🐢
It was an honor for Dr. Gupta to visit the Marine Institute, which is the only sea turtle rehab hospital in Hawaii. The sea turtle doctors during her visit were the amazing Tommy Cutt (Co-Founder and Executive Director) and McKenzie (the Sea Turtle Technician) at the MOC Marine Institute. 🦸 🐢 💕
Full video here:
From Tommy Cutt, the Executive Director:
“We can all make a difference through small lifestyle changes.
🍃 Reduce use of single use plastics.
🐠 Participate in local conservation efforts like our fishing line recycling program on Maui or beach/reef cleanups.
🌊 Even the smallest of efforts can prevent our ocean from being irreparably damaged by plastics and ensure a healthy environment for our future generations
🐢 MOC Marine Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based on Maui with a mission to inspire lifelong environmental stewardship and to ensure the survival of coral reefs and sea turtles through science-based conservation efforts, education, and outreach.
🧑⚕️ Our team maintains the sea turtle stranding response hotline for the island of Maui and rescues sick and injured turtles in need of help, on land or underwater.
🏥 We operate the only sea turtle rehab hospital in Hawaii and provide medical care to turtles in need from all of the main Hawaiian islands.”
🐢 ☎️ If you see a sick or injured sea turtle on Maui, you may contact MOC Marine Institute’s Sea Turtle Rescue Team at (808) 286-2549
And remember: Less Plastic, More Sea Turtles 🐢
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