February 3, 2024 ~ Give yourself a reason to smile 😃 every morning 🪥✨🦷

Give yourself a reason to smile 😃 every morning 🪥✨🦷

✨ show off those pearly whites and happy day 17 of our breaking up with sugar challenge.

If you are just finding us and seeing this post for the first time, we are in the middle of a really great challenge - no sugars or added sugars for a whole month! If you would like to challenge yourself and join us, welcome! Check back here daily as Dr Gupta gives a word of encouragement, knowledge or a story of how her breaking up with sugar challenge is going.



#alohabrite #dental #swipes #whiteteeth #smile #freshbreath #goodmorning #mauihawaii #follow #breakingupwithsugar #challenge