May 7, 2024 ~ Aloha Brite must have’s and this is one of our most bought sets!

Aloha Brite must have’s and this is one of our most bought sets!

This is our Moana set that includes our swipes, toothpaste tablets, biodegradable floss and one of our brushes

Life’s better with 🦷✨

#alohabrite #dental #brightsmile #whiteteeth #product #coconut #ocean #plasticfree #alohapaste #toothpaste #swipe #toothswipes #mauimade #biodegradable #plasticfreemaui
#madefreshdaily #naturaltoothpaste #alohawitheverybrush #vegan #oralcare #ecofriendly #plasticfreesmiles #dentist #doctor #sustainabledentistry #hydroxyapatite #wailea #aloha #maui