November 3, 2023 ~ 🛍️🦷💕 Can’t wait to see you today and tomorrow at the Hawaiian Airlines Made on Maui Festival! At the MACC!
November 3, 2023
🛍️🦷💕 Can’t wait to see you today and tomorrow at the Hawaiian Airlines Made on Maui Festival! At the MACC!
#zerowaste #biodegradable#plasticfreemaui #alohapaste #toothpaste#swipe #toothswipes #mauimade#madeinmaui #badditivefree#madefreshdaily #naturaltoothpaste#teethwhitening #alohabrite#alohawitheverybrush #vegan #plasticfree#nanohydroxyapatite #nhap #oralcare#ecofriendly #plasticfreesmiles #dentist#doctor #sustainabledentistry #maui #hawaii#waileavillage #wailea #aloha #maui

I purchased the Aloha Paste today and just used it - AMAZING!!!!! Thank you so much! Best toothpaste I have ever used 😊🌺