October 4, 2023 ~ ALOHABRITE™ believes in PURE ingredients. We avoid using these ingredients in your dental care products:
October 4, 2023 ~
ALOHABRITE™ believes in PURE ingredients. We avoid using these ingredients in your dental care products:
X Plastic tubes. Plastic resin, which is part of the manufacturing and recycling process, and comes from petroleum, can leak into toothpaste and floss stored in plastic or recycled plastic containers. Also, the BPA in the plastic can leak into the products and enter your mouth and then your whole body. Recycled plastic still ends up in the landfill stays on the earth for years. So we say “No thank you” to plastic!
X Glycerin: Glycerin is a humectant, commonly made from animal fat or vegetable oil. It is usually the first ingredient listed in toothpastes, meaning it likely comprises the majority of the tube. ALOHABRITE™ has found a way to avoid using glycerin and only keep ingredients that are therapeutic for your teeth and mouth. Some healthcare providers have also noted that glycerin leaves a coating so teeth can’t absorb calcium and other ingredients.
X Triclosan: Triclosan is a chemical used as an antibacterial, in detergents and toothpastes. It is toxic to algae and aquatic bacteria. The FDA has ongoing studies evaluating the safety of this chemical. We feel it is safest to stay away from this chemical.
X Sodium Cocoyl Sulfate or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or any Sulfate/Surfactant: SLS or sulfates are surfactants, cleansing agents that creates lather. They are foaming, corrosive, and harmful to skin tissue. A popular alternative, sodium cocoyl glutamate, is also a synthetic surfactant (foaming ingredient). Who needs soap in their mouth? We prefer to avoid all these synthetic foaming ingredients.
X Xanthan gum: Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide, sugar based polymer produced by bacteria.
In summary, no “Badditives” ever!
🌸 💕 #zerowaste #biodegradable#plasticfreemaui #alohapaste #toothpaste#swipe #toothswipes #mauimade#madeinmaui #badditivefree#madefreshdaily #naturaltoothpaste#teethwhitening #alohabrite#alohawitheverybrush #vegan #plasticfree#nanohydroxyapatite #nhap #oralcare#ecofriendly #plasticfreesmiles #dentist#doctor #sustainabledentistry #maui #hawaii#hydroxyapatite #wailea #aloha #maui

Hi, sorry for bothering you, I messaged you couple weeks ago, hope you will find a min to respond 🙌