YES πŸ™Œ to Biodegradable Zero Waste Aloha Floss infused with Coconut Oil πŸ₯₯. You can now Surf πŸ„πŸ½β€β™€οΈ and Floss 🦷 at the same time. All the 🐒 🐠 🐳 🐟 say β€œMahalo! No more plastic floss please!”

February 25, 2023

YES πŸ™Œ to Biodegradable Zero Waste Aloha Floss infused with Coconut Oil πŸ₯₯. You can now Surf πŸ„πŸ½β€β™€οΈ and Floss 🦷 at the same time. All the 🐒 🐠 🐳 🐟 say β€œMahalo! No more plastic floss please!”

πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ Aloha Tooth Swipes shine your smile on the go, keeping your teeth white 24/7 πŸ˜€
πŸ’• Aloha Paste and Swipes are freshly made by Dr. Gupta on Maui and always badditive free.
πŸ‘› Small enough to fit in your pocket and strong enough to avoid dental drills 🦷
🧬 The revolutionary biodegradable Swipe and Paste is designed to polish teeth while scrubbing away sugars, acidic foods and plaque.
πŸ₯₯ The infusion of Coconut Oil and Nanohydroxyapatite (nHAP<50nm) in each Swipe and Paste is like a delightful daily vitamin for your teeth and gums.
🌱 Zero waste and pure Aloha.
πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš•οΈ Dentist invented.

🏝 πŸ„πŸ½β€β™€οΈ Designed in Maui, Hawaii

*Patent Pending*


🌸 πŸ’• #zerowaste #biodegradable#plasticfreemaui #alohapaste #toothpaste#swipe #toothswipes #mauimade#madeinmaui #badditivefree#madefreshdaily #naturaltoothpaste#teethwhitening #alohabrite#alohawitheverybrush #vegan #plasticfree#nanohydroxyapatite #nhap #oralcare#ecofriendly #plasticfreesmiles #dentist#doctor #sustainabledentistry #maui #hawaii#wailea #aloha #plasticfree

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