by Aloha Brite
Our swipes are currently in M E X I C O enjoying the sun and that ocean breeze!With our 60 swipes per container, you will be able to prevent stains...
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by Aloha Brite
💗🦷 Grab a swipe after that cup of tea or coffee to keep your teeth Brite and White! Enjoy the nHAp (nanohydroxyapatite)remineralize your enamel and...
by Aloha Brite
Grab our whitening pen and go…This convenient whitening pen fits perfectly in your pocket or purse.Instructions: Clean and dry teeth. Twist pen to ...
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by Aloha Brite
🍷 💃🏻 Sip and Swipe for Brite White Smiles! Love coffee? Tea? Love wine? And a Brite Smile? Just swipe with our nHAp and coconut oil infused swipe a...
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by Aloha Brite
We love that our products are making their way around the world, especially our swipes! That shows us that they infact are easy to travel with and ...
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by Aloha Brite
3 products to snag for the month of July 🙌🏽🦷💥➡️ AlohaBrite Whitening Pen -> Whiten your teeth on the go! This convenient whitening pen fits perf...
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by Aloha Brite
👩🏻⚕️ What does Dr. Gupta eat to keep her teeth sparkly and white? Fruits 🍎 and vegetables 🥗 are high in fiber and naturally cleansing for your tee...
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by Aloha Brite
Made by a Dentist with an amazing team on Maui, we have revolutionized ways to keep your teeth clean and 🦷✨!With our Aloha Brite Swipes, all you ha...
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by Aloha Brite
Can you believe it’s been 8 months since we did @madeinmauicountyfestival 🦷🌟 - still can’t believe what a great experience that was! We met so many...
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by Aloha Brite
If you ever are out and about on our beautiful island of Maui and you see our products, snap a a photo and send it to us or post a story and tag us...
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by Aloha Brite
🌊 This is what inspired us to start the First Sustainable Smile, care, product company in Maui, Hawaii. Will you join our mission? 🐠 💗 🦷🌸
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by Aloha Brite
Aloha Brite must have’s and this is one of our most bought sets!This is our Moana set that includes our swipes, toothpaste tablets, biodegradable f...
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